Find what’s right for you.
Browse our different offers or reach out for a complimentary consult if you’d like further guidance and/or information.
*this applies to all packages
Whether you choose one of the pre-made packages or opt for a total custom package; we will:
collaborate with you to understand your parental morals, values & stressors
dive into your babes learning style, temperament, attachment style and unique sleep needs.
Your sleep plan is still 100% specific to you & your babe. Your sleep situation is unlike any others so your sleep solutions will be too :)
Premium Package
Duration: Up to One Hour
Review of the intake questionnaire
Plan overview & recommended sleep learning techniques
One follow up email with info we discussed
Sleep log to track progress
*keep in mind this does not include any continued support or check ins.
$149 + tax
Premium + Package
Premium Plus
Duration: Two Weeks
Review of the intake questionnaire
Plan overview & recommended sleep learning techniques
1 week of daily email check-ins
Final plan adjustments (if necessary) at the end of the week
1 week for any further support or questions!
Sleep log to track progress
$349 + tax
Exclusive Package
Duration of Support: One Month
Review of the intake questionnaire
Plan overview & recommended sleep learning techniques
1 week of daily email check-ins and periodic check ins during week 2
Final plan adjustments (if necessary) at the end of week 1 & 2.
Last 2 weeks of informal sleep support
Sleep log to track sleep progress
$499 + tax
The Custom Package!
Your kiddo’s sleep situation is unique so why shouldn’t your package be too :)
If none of the above give you some butterflies at the thought of catching a few more Z’s this is a great place to start!
We will work collaboratively with you, considering your parental values, your babes personality and learning style to come up with the best solutions!
Some options that would be custom to you
in home visit
zoom call/video chat during bedtime and or naptime
48 hours of unlimited available support